Monday, July 9, 2007

PoSsIbLe TyPeS Of rEseArCh

I plan to use primary research and secondary research to collect information and data, hopefully this would help me gather the accurate information i need.
Primary research is a method were you conduct your own research, for examples; interviews to get first hand info on what your researching. I can also use other methods besides interviews such as carrying out questionnaires etc.
Secondary research is research that you have looked up that has already been carried out by other people. This would be helpful to me as i would need reliable and factual research in my work.


Other types of research

Ouantitative : A type of resarch, usally based on numbers, statistics or tables, that attempts to measure some kind of phenomenon and produce hard dadt. It often involves working with large groups of people.

Oualitative : Research that attempts to explain or understand something and may neccessitate much discussion and analysis of people's attitudes and other behaviour. It usually involves working with small numbers of people or focus groups.

second eition

Philip Rayner, Peter Wall and Stephen Kruger

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Akil, Got your message. If you are still having difficulty please see myself or Miss Ward today tuesday 10th. I will be in my office in heenan p1/p3/p4